One Hour Coaching Session
with Certified Mindfulness Coach Audra Carmine via Zoom
Service Description
Mindfulness and coaching arrive again and again in the landscape of two simple questions: what's here now? and how do you meet it? Audra guide's her clients toward their own inner wisdom and resiliency by creating a loving, accepting space to ask questions, receive supportive guidance, and to simply be as you are. It is not often in our culture that we have the opportunity to be witnessed with love. This is Audra's gift. She doesn't need anything from you, or for things to work out, or for you to be a certain way. It is from this wide-open-space, full of possibility, that spontaneous compassion and trust rises. Here, without aversion or clinging, stuckness often gives way to creative shifts. Simply from being seen, heard, and supported as you navigate your journey through life. Examples of real life questions clients have brought to these sessions: - How do I meet the feeling of stagnancy in my practice? - How can I create more ease at work? - How do I quit my job? -How do I stay present with my child when I'm frustrated? -How do I start trusting my partner and stop stalking his instagram looking for signs that he is not worthy of my trust? - How do I start a meditation practice? -How do I talk to my partner about opening up the relationship? -Will you read this hard email with me so I'm not alone? - How do I create and maintain a boundary? Audra is known for making the teachings and practices of mindfulness, yoga, IFS, and many other modalities accessible and practical, and though these questions appear simple on the surface, Audra helps clients get down to the core of what really matters. We are all deserving of support, and Audra is a master of the pep talk. Audra has owned 3 successful companies since age 25. She has studied for over a decade with Christina Sell, Todd Jackson, Manorama, Jasmine Tarkeshi, and Sally Kempton. Currently, she is working toward her graduate degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on Somatics, and is completing a two year meditation teacher training program in the Insight Meditation tradition with Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Sebene Selassie, and many other brilliant teachers. In addition, she is currently completing another coaching training with the IFS institute called Coaching for Self Leadership which exams our many Parts, self and system, unblending and befriending protectors. She completed Marie Forlio's B-School as well as Gabrielle Bernstein's Spirit Junkies Coaching program.
Cancellation Policy
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