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Experiential Grief Group




Your body knows how to grieve. 

­Six Sundays October 15th-November 19th, 2023



via our beloved zoom connection device


It seems that in the last five years, many of us have lost something. In this six week process group, we will use the wisdom of the breath as it has been used in all cultures, all spiritual traditions, to process grief. In other words, we will mourn together. We will craft our own rituals using journaling, some art exercises, and a lot of deep listening. This will mostly be an experiential practice group that is focused on the somatic process of grief and mourning.


Grief refers to the group of feelings that occur before, during, and after a loss, while mourning is the process of moving through and adapting to grief. In our death-phobic culture, there is no ritual, no sanctioned process of mourning. In this group, we will create ways to mourn together. There is the grief where we are supported by our communities, and then there is the grief that is invisible, the grief we attempt to hold alone. Let's create a space where we are not holding it alone. Even if you never share, you will know that there is a container for you to process and feel. Your body knows how to grieve. 


In this group, you are welcome to bring any kind of loss you are experiencing: divorce, death, job, sense of safety, environmental grief, capitalism, all of it. I do ask that you use this group in addition to personal therapy, not as a replacement. And, I will ask that you agree to come to the group with tools to be able to regulate yourself since we will be online together and not in person. Here are some contraindications for some of the breath processing we will be doing: cardiovascular disease (angina, previous heart attacks, or strokes) detached retina, glaucoma, aneurysm in brain or abdomen, kidney disease, severe asthma, epilepsy. Any other medical, physical or psychiatric condition which would impair or affect the ability to involve in deep physical and emotional release.


I will offer alternative, more relaxing, pranayama practice for those who have contraindications. 


We will be using the breath as a tool to purposefully stimulate our bodies so that our nervous system can process what needs to be processed below the level of the mind and intellect.


It is highly recommended that you attend as many sessions as you can live, and there will be recordings of just the practices, not the group process, available to those who are not able to make it that week.

I will not send recordings to folks who have never attended live to protect my own privacy. 

I will confirm your space and give you the unique and private zoom link via email.


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